Prices include insurance fees, cablecar ride for the pilot and eqipment for the flight. The ride up to the mountain is at your own expense.


Optional: Pictures and Videos

Want to remember the flight for a long time?I will take high resolution pictures and videos of you during the flight and will transfer them directly to your phone after the flight. 

The camera is secured against falling and the pictures will be handled against a fee of 40 swiss francs. 

For safety reasons taking pictures with your own phone is not allowed.


 The little bird

295 swiss francs

Flight time 15 minutes

Requires 2 hours of your time

"For first timers and those who wanna taste the sensation of flight"

 The big bird

445 swiss francs

Flight time 1 hour

Requires 3 hours of your time

"Fly high and have an unforgettable experience how it feels to fly like a bird"